Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Analytical pyrolysis study of biodelignification of cloned Eucalyptus globulus (EG) clone and Pinus pinaster Aiton kraft pulp and residual lignins. Oudia, A.; Meszaros, E.; Jakab, E.; Simoes, R.; Queiroz, J.; Ragauskas, A.; Novak, L. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2009), 85(1+2), 19-29.
- Laccase treatment of recycled blue dyed paper: physical properties and fiber charge. Mohandass, C.; Knutson, K.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2008), 35(10), 1103-1108.
- Biobleaching chemistry of laccase-mediator systems on high-lignin-content kraft pulps. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., Canadian Journal of Chemistry 82, 344-352 (2004).
- Modification of High Lignin Content Kraft Pulps with Laccase to Improve Paper Strength Properties. Laccase Treatment in the Presence of Gallic Acid. Chandra, R.P.; Lehtonen, L. K.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biotechnology Progress 20(1), 255-261 (2004).
- Evaluating Laccase-Facilitated Coupling of Phenolic Acids to High-Yield Kraft Pulps. Chandra, R.P., Ragauskas, A.J., Enzyme Microbiol. Techn., 30(7) 855-861 (2002).
- Delving into the Fundamental LMS Delignification of High-Kappa Pulps. Chandra, R.P., Chakar, F.S., Allison, A., Kim, D.H., Ragauskas, A.J. Elder, T.J., Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, 151-164 (2002).
- Elucidating the Effects of Laccase on the Physical Properties of High-Kappa Kraft Pulps. Chandra, R., Ragauskas, A.J. Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, 165-172 (2002).
- Enzymatic Modification of Kraft Lignin Through Oxidative Coupling with Water-Soluble Phenols. Lund, M., Ragauskas, A.J., Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 55, 699(2001).
- Formation of Quinonoid Structures in Laccase-Mediator Reactions. Chakar, F.S., Ragauskas, A.J. In ACS Series Fundamentals and Catalysis of Oxidative Delignification Processes. In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis. Ed. Argyropoulos, D.A., ACS Symposium Series, Oxford University Press, Washington, 785, 130 (2001).
- Laccase N-Hydroxybenzotriazole Full-Sequence Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorine Dioxide. Sealey, J.E., Runge, T.M., Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI J., 83(9), 66(2000).
- The Kismet of Residual Lignins During LMS Delignification of High-Kappa Kraft Pulps. Chakar, F.S., Ragauskas, A.J., Holzforschung, 54, 647(2000).
- The Effects of Oxidative Alkaline Extraction Stages after LaccaseHBT and LaccaseNHAA Treatments – An NMR Study of Residual Lignin. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 20(2), 169(2000).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part XVII: Diffuse Reflectance Study on Brightness Stabilization by Additives Under Various Atmospheres. Li, C.; Ragauskas, A.J., Cellulose, 7, 369(2000).
- Investigations into Laccase-Mediator Delignification of Kraft Pulps. Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Elder, T.J., Holzforschung, 53, 498(1999).
- Residual Lignin Studies of Laccase Delignified Kraft Pulps. Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Enzyme and Micro. Technol., 23(Nov.), 422 (1998).
- Investigation of Laccase/N-Hydroxybenzotriazole Delignification of Kraft Pulp. Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 18(4), 403(1998).
- Improvements in ECF Bleaching: Use of Activated Oxygen Species and Xylanase. Hamilton, J.; Senior, D.; Rodriguez, A.; Santiago, D.; Szwec, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Tappi J., 79(4), 231(1996).
- Comparison of the Properties of Native and Pentaammineruthenium(III)-Modified Xylanase. Evans, B.R.; Lane, L.M.; Margalit, R.; Hathaway, G.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Woodward, J., Enzyme Microb. Technol., 19, 367(1996).
- Effect of Xylanase Pretreatment Procedures for Nonchlorine Bleaching. Ragauskas, A.J.; Poll, K.M.; Cesternino, A.J., Enzyme Micro. Technol., 16, 492(1994).
- Application of Endo(1,4)-?-D-xylanase in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Santiago, D.; Rodriguez, A.; Hamilton, J.; Senior, D.J.; Szwec, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., in Industrial Biotechnology Polymers, Technomic Publishing Co., Ed. Gebelein, C.G., Carraher, C.E., 53(1995).
- Biografting Celestine Blue onto a High Kappa Kraft Pulp. Chandra, R.P.; Wolfaardt, F.; Ragauskas, A.J., in ACS Symposium Series 855, Applications of Enzymes to Lignocellulosics, Edited by S.D. Mansfield, and J.N. Saddler, Washington, DC, 66-80(2003).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Enzymatic Biobleaching of Two Recalcitrant Paper Dyes with Horseradish and Soybean Peroxidase. Knutson, K.; Kirzan, S.; Ragauskas, A.J., Biotechnology Letters (2005), 27(11), 753-758.
- An Auspicious Application of Laccase and Hydrogen Peroxidases for Biobleaching of Recalcitrant Paper Dyes, Knutson, K.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Madison, WI (June 2003).
- LMS Biobleaching Studies, Allison, L.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Diego, CA(Sept. 2002).
- Laccase: The Renegade of Fiber Modification. Chandra, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Seattle, WA(Nov. 2001).
- Sculpting the Molecular Weight of Lignin via Laccase. Chandra, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, France, II; 9(June 2001).
- Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Challenge for Change. Ragauskas, A.J., 8th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Helsinki, Finland O/2(June 2001).
- Delving into the Fundamental LMS Delignification of High Kappa Kraft Pulps, Chandra, R.P.; Chakar, F.S.; Allison, L.; Kim, D.H.; Ragauskas, A.J., Elder, T., 8th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Helsinki, Finland, 54(June, 2001).
- Elucidating the Effect of Laccase on the Physical Properties of High Kappa Kraft Pulps. Chandra, R.P.; Ragauskas, A.J., 8th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Helsinki, Finland, 255 (June 2001).
- The Path Forward to Practical Nascent Laccase Biobleaching Technologies. Chakar, F.S.; Allison, L.; Kim, D.H.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Boston, MA (Nov. 2000).
- Laccase-Lignin Interactions, Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., 6th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp – Advances in Lignocellulosics Chemistry Towards High Quality Processes and Products, Bordeaux, France, 53(Sept. 2000).
- Laccase-Mediator Systems and Oxygen Delignification-A Comparative Study. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J., 2000 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Halifax, NS, 59(June, 2000).
- Fundamental Investigations of Laccase Mediator Delignification on High Lignin Content Kraft Pulps. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, 566(June 1999).
- Biobleaching of High Lignin Content Kraft Pulps Via Laccase-Mediator Systems. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Nilvebrant, N.-O., 1998 TAPPI Pulping Conference, Montreal, QC, 1, 95(Oct. 1998).
- Effects of Laccase Mediator Delignification on Fiber Properties. Haynes, K.; Ragauskas, A.J., International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 355(June 1998).
- Biobleaching of Kraft Pulps with Laccase and Hydroxybenzotriazole. Sealey, J.; Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Biological Sciences Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 339(Oct. 1997).
- Biobleaching of Kraft Pulps with Laccase and Hydroxybenzotriazole. Sealey, J.; Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Biological Sciences Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 339(Oct. 1997).
- Fundamental Investigations into the Chemical Mechanisms Involved in Laccase-Mediator Biobleaching. Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Montreal, QC, F1-1(June 1997).
- Residual Lignin Studies of Laccase Delignified Kraft Pulps. Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Fourth European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Stresa, Italy, 171(Sept. 1996).
- The Biobleaching Interactions between Xylanase, Ozone, and Dimethyldioxirane. Ragauskas, A.J.; Rodriguez, A.; Allison, L.; Santiago, D., 1994 Biological Sciences Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, 245(Oct.1994).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Synthesis of novel water-soluble sulfonated cellulose, Carbohydrate Research, Rajalaxmi, D.; Jiang, N.; Gelbaum L.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carb. Res. (2010) 345 (2), 284-290.
- Improvement of paper properties using starch-modified precipitated calcium carbonate filler. Zhao, Yulin; Hu, Zeshan; Ragauskas, Art; Den, Yulin. Tappi Journal (2005), 4(2), 3-7
- Improvement of paper strength with starch modified clay. Yan, Z.; Liu, Q.; Deng, Y.; Ragauskas, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2005), 97(1), 44-50.
- N-Hydroxyl Compounds as New Internal Standards for the 31P-NMR Determination of Lignin Hydroxyl Functional Groups. Zawadzki, M.; Ragauskas, A., Holzforschung, 55, 283(2001).
- Facile Detection of Ortho- and Para-Quinone Structures in Residual Lignin by 31P NMR Spectroscopy. Zawadzki, M.; Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Science, 26(3), 102(2000).
- Molecular Recognition of a Salmonella Trisaccharide Epitope by Monoclonal Antibody SE155-4. Bundle, D.R.; Eichler, E.; Gidney, M.A.J.; Meldal, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Biochemistry 33(17), 5172(1994).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Effect of D2O on Growth Properties and Chemical Structure of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). Evans, B.R.; Bali, G.; Reeves, D.T.; O’Neill, H.M.; Sun, Q.; Shah, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2014), 62(12), 2595-2604.
- Structural Characterization of Lignin in Wild-type versus COMT Down-regulated Switchgrass. Samuel, R.; Pu, Y.; Jiang, N.; Fu, C,; Wang, Z.Y. Ragauskas, A. Frontiers in Bioenergy and Biofuel. (2014), 1, 1-9.
- Design and simulation of an organosolv process for bioethanol production. Kautto, J.; Realff, M.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2013), 3(3), 199-212.
- Investigation of lignin deposition on cellulose during hydrothermal pretreatment, its effect on cellulose hydrolysis, and underlying mechanisms. Li H.; Pu Y.; Kumar R.; Ragauskas A.J.; Wyman C.E. Biotechnology and bioengineering, (2014), 111(3), 485-492.
- Suppression of pseudo-lignin formation under dilute acid pretreatment conditions. Hu, F.; Ragauskas, A. RSC Advances (2014), 4(9), 4317-4323.
- Common processes drive the thermochemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Langan, P.; Petridis, L.; O’Neill, H. M.; Pingali, S.V.; Foston, M.; Nishiyama, Y.; Schulz, R.; Lindner, B.; Hanson, B. L.; Harton, S.; Heller, W.T.; Urban, V.; Evans, B.R.; Gnanakaran, S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Smith, J.C.; Davison, B.H. Green Chemistry (2013), 16(1), 63-68.
- Lignin Pyrolysis Components and Upgrading-Technology Review. Mu, W.; Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A.; Deng, Y., BioEnergy Research (2013), 6(4), 1183-1204.
- Hydrodeoxygenation by deuterium gas – a powerful way to provide insight into the reaction mechanisms. Ben, H.; Ferguson, G.A.; Mu, W.; Pu, Y.; Huang, F.; Jarvis, M.; Biddy, M; Deng, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 19138 – 19142.
- Determination of porosity of lignocellulosic biomass before and after pretreatment by using Simons’ stain and NMR techniques. Meng, X.; Foston, M.; Leisen, J.; DeMartini, J.; Wyman, C.E.; Ragauskas, A.J., Bioresource Technology (2013), 144, 467-476.
- Carbohydrate and lignin are simultaneously solubilized from unpretreated switchgrass by microbial action at high temperature. Kataeva, I.; Foston, M.B.; Yang, S.J.; Pattathil, S.; Biswal, A.K.; Poole, F.L., II; Basen, M.; Rhaesa, A.M.; Thomas, T.P.; Azadi, P.; Olman, Vr; Saffold, T.D.; Mohler, K.E.; Lewis, D.L.; Doeppke, C.; Zeng, Y.; Tschaplinski, T.J.; York, W.S.; Davis, M.; Mohnen, D.; Xu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Ding, S.Y.; Kelly, R.M.; Hahn, M.G.; Adams, M.W.W., Energy & Environmental Science (2013), 6(7), 2186-2195.
- Lignin to lipid bioconversion by oleaginous Rhodococci. Kosa, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Green Chemistry (2013), 15(8), 2070-2074.
- The effect of deuteration on the structure of bacterial cellulose. Bali, G.; Foston, M.B.; O’Neill, H.M.; Evans, B. R.; He, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Carbohydrate Research (2013), 374, 82-88.
- Investigation of the fate of poplar lignin during autohydrolysis pretreatment to understand the biomass recalcitrance. Samuel, R.; Cao, S.; Das, B. K.; Hu, F.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J., RSC Advances (2013), 3(16), 5305-5309
- Influence of Si/Al ratio of ZSM-5 zeolite on the properties of lignin pyrolysis products. Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A.J., ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2013), 1(3), 316-324.
- Compositional Characterization and Pyrolysis of Loblolly Pine and Douglas-fir Bark, Pan, S.; Pu, Y.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., BioEnergy Research (2013), 6(1), 24-34.
- Down-regulation of the caffeic acid O-methyltransferase gene in switchgrass reveals a novel monolignol analog. Tschaplinski, T.J.; Standaert, R.F.; Engle, N.L.; Martin, M.Z.; Sangha, A.K.; Parks, J.M.; Smith, J.C.; Samuel, R.; Jiang, N.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Hamilton, C.Y.; Fu, C.; Wang, Z.Y.; Davison, B.D.; Dixon, R.A.; Mielenz, J.R. Biotechnology for Biofuels (2012) 5, 71.
- Structural characterization of alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreated grasses exhibiting diverse lignin phenotypes. Li, M.; Foster, C.; Kelkar, S.; Pu, Y.; Holmes, D.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Saffron, C.M.; Hodge, D.B. Biotechnology for Biofuels (2012) 5, 38 .
- Carbohydrate derived-pseudo-lignin can retard cellulose biological conversion. Kumar, R.; Hu, F.; Sannigrahi, P.; Jung, S.; Wyman, C.E., Biotechnology and Bioengineering,(2013), 110(3), 737-753.
- Impact of Pseudolignin versus Dilute Acid-Pretreated Lignin on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose, Hu, Fan; Jung, Seokwon; Ragauskas, Arthur, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2013), 1(1), 62-65.
- Fuel ethanol production from Eucalyptus globulus wood by autocatalized organosolv pretreatment ethanol-water and SSF. Yanez-S, M.; Rojas, J.; Castro, J.; Ragauskas, A.; Baeza, J.; Freer, J., Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (2013), 88(1), 39-48.
- Production of renewable gasoline from aqueous phase hydrogenation of lignin pyrolysis oil. Ben, H.; Mu, W.; Deng, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J., Fuel, (2013) 103, 1148-1153.
- Biotechnological opportunities with the β-ketoadipate pathway. Wells, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., Trends in Biotechnology, (2012), 30(12), 627-637.
- Pretreatment and Lignocellulosic Chemistry, Hu, F.; Ragauskas, A., BioEnergy Research (2012), 5(4), 1043-1066.
- Chemical transformations of Populus trichocarpa during dilute acid pretreatment. Cao, S.; Pu, Y.; Studer, M.; Wyman, C.; Ragauskas, A.J., RSC Advances (2012), 2(29), 10925-10936.
- 4-O-methylation of glucuronic acid in Arabidopsis glucuronoxylan is catalyzed by a domain of unknown function family 579 protein. Urbanowicz, B.R.; Pena, M.J.; Ratnaparkhe, S.; Avci, U.; Backe, J.; Steet, H.F.; Foston, M.; Li, H.; O’Neill, M.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Darvill, A.G.; Wyman, C.; Gilbert, H.J.; York, W.S., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (2012), 109: 35, 14253-14258.
- Biomass Characterization: Recent Progress in Understanding Biomass Recalcitrance. Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Industrial Biotechnology (2012), 8(4), 191-208.
- Development of New Methods in Scanning Probe Microscopy for Lignocellulosic Biomass Characterization. Tetard, L.; Passian, A.; Jung, S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Davison, B.H., Industrial Biotechnology (2012), 8(4), 245-249.
- Neutron Technologies for Bioenergy Research, Langan, P.; Evans, B.R.; Foston, M.; Heller, W.T.; O’Neill, H.; Petridis, L.; Pingali, S.V.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Smith, J.C.; Urban, V.S.; Davison, B.H., Industrial Biotechnology (2012), 8(4), 209-216.
- 13C cell wall enrichment and ionic liquid NMR analysis: progress towards a high-throughput detailed chemical analysis of the whole plant cell wall Foston, M.; Samuel, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., Analyst (2012), 137(17), 3904-3909.
- A Novel Oxidative Pretreatment of Loblolly Pine, Sweetgum, and Miscanthus by Ozone. Sannigrahi, P. Hu, F.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology (2012), 32(4), 361-375.
- Pseudo-lignin formation and its impact on enzymatic hydrolysis, Hu, F.; Jung, S.; Ragauskas, A., Bioresource Technology (2012), 117, 7-12.
- Chemical composition and characterization of cellulose for Agave as a fast-growing, drought-tolerant biofuels feedstock. Li, H.; Foston, M.B.; Kumar, R.; Samuel, R.; Gao, X.; Hu, F.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Wyman, C.E. RSC Advances (2012), 2(11), 4951-4958.
- Dilute H2SO4 and SO2 pretreatments of Loblolly pine wood residue for bioethanol production. Huang, F.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial Biotechnology, (2012) 8(1), 22-30.
- Chemical characterization and water content determination of bio-oils obtained from various biomass species using 31P NMR spectroscopy. David, K.; Ben, H.; Muzzy, J.; Feik, C.; Iisa, K.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biofuels (2012), 3(2), 123-128.
- Determination of cellulase colocalization on cellulose fiber with quantitative FRET measured by acceptor photobleaching and spectrally unmixing fluorescence microscopy. Wang, L.; Wang, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J., Analyst (2012), 137(6), 1319-1324.
- Deuterium incorporation in biomass cell wall components by NMR analysis. Foston, Marcus B.; McGaughey, Joseph; O’Neill, Hugh; Evans, Barbara R.; Ragauskas, Arthur, Analyst (2012), 137(5), 1090-1093.
- Solid-State Selective 13C Excitation and Spin Diffusion NMR To Resolve Spatial Dimensions in Plant Cell Walls, Foston, Marcus; Katahira, Rui; Gjersing, Erica; Davis, Mark F.; Ragauskas, Arthur J., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2012), 60(6), 1419-1427.
- Bioconversion of Lignin Model Compounds with Oleaginous Rhodococci, Kosa, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2012), 93(2) 891-900.
- Characterization of Fermentation Residues from the Production of Bio-ethanol from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks. Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A.J. J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy 5, 514-519 (2011).
- Torrefaction of Loblolly Pine, Green Chemistry, Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A.J. Green Chemistry, (2012), 14 (1), 72 – 76.
- Characterization of Milled Wood Lignin (MWL) in Loblolly Pine Stem Wood, Residue, and Bark. Huang, F.; Singh, P.M.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2011), 59(24), 12910-12916.
- Heteronuclear Single-Quantum Correlation-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HSQC-NMR) Fingerprint Analysis of Pyrolysis Oils. Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A. J. Energy & Fuels (2011), 25(12), 5791-5801.
- Chemical, Ultrastructural and Supramolecular Analysis of Tension Wood in Populus Tremula x Alba as a Model sSubstrate for Reduced Recalcitrance, Foston, M.; Hubbell, C.A.; Samuel, R.; Jung, S.; Fan, H.; Ding, S.Y.; Zeng, Y.; Jawdy, S.; Davis, M.; Sykes, Robert; Gjersing, E.; Tuskan, G.A.; Kalluri, U.; Ragauskas, A.J., Energy & Environmental Science (2011), 4(12), 4962-4971.
- Cellulose Isolation Methodology for NMR Analysis of Cellulose Ultrastructure, Foston, M.B.; Hubbell, C.A.; Ragauskas, A.J., Materials (Carbohydrate Polymers Special Issue) 2011, 4(11), 1985-2002.
- Pyrolysis Oils from CO2 Precipitated Kraft Lignin. Kosa, M.; Ben, H.; Theliander, H.; Ragauskas, A.J., Green Chemistry (2011), 13(11), 3196-3202.
- Pyrolysis of Kraft Lignin with Additives By Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A.J., Energy & Fuels (2011), 25(10), 4662-4668
- Structural Changes In Switchgrass Lignin And Hemicelluloses During Pretreatments By NMR Analysis, Samuel, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., Polymer Degradation and Stability 96 (2011), 2002-2009
- Application of quantitative 31P NMR in biomass lignin and biofuel precursors characterization, Pu Y.; Cao S.; Ragauskas A.J., Energy & Environmental Science, 4(9), 3154-316 (2011)
- Challenges of the utilization of wood polymers: How can they be overcome? Pu, Yunqiao; Kosa, Matyas; Kalluri, Udaya C.; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Ragauskas, Arthur J., From Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2011), 91(6), 1525-1536
- Biomass characterization of morphological portions of Alamo switchgrass, Hu, Z.; Foston, M. B.; Ragauskas, A.J., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2011), 59(14), 7765-7772.
- Self-similar multiscale structure of lignin revealed by neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulation. Petridis, L.; Pingali, S. V.; Urban, V.; Heller, W.T.; O’Neil, H.M.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.; Smith, J. C., Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2011), 83(6), 061911-061914.
- HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) 13C-1H correlation spectra of whole biomass in perdeuterated pyridinium chloride-DMSO system: An effective tool for evaluating pretreatment. Samuel, R.; Foston, M.; Jaing, N.; Cao, S.; Allison, L.; Studer, M.; Wyman, C.; Ragauskas, A.J. Fuel (2011), 90(9), 2836-28.
- Comparative studies on hydrothermal pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of leaves and internodes of Alamo switchgrass. Hu, Z.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. Bioresource Technology (2011), 102(14), 7224-7228.
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of organosolv Kanlow switchgrass and its impact on cellulose crystallinity and degree of polymerization. Cateto, C.; Hu, G.; Ragauskas, A. Energy & Environmental Science (2011), 4(4), 1516-1521.
- NMR Characterization of Pyrolysis Oils from Kraft Lignin. Ben, H.; Ragauskas, A.J. Energy & Fuels (2011), 25(5), 2322-2332.
- Pseudo-lignin and pretreatment chemistry, Sannigrahi, P.; Kim, D.H.; Jung, S.; Ragauskas, A. Energy Environ. Sci., (2011) 4, 1306-1310.
- Comparison of microwaves to fluidized sand baths for heating tubular reactors for hydrothermal and dilute acid batch pretreatment of corn stover. Shi, J.; Pu, Y.; Yang, B.; Ragauskas, A.; Wyman, C.E. Bioresource Technology (2011), 102(10), 5952-5961. Hu, Z.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2011), 50(8), 4225-4230.
- Hydrothermal pretreatment of switchgrass. Hu, Z.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2011), 50(8), 4225-4230.
- Genetic Manipulation of Lignin Reduces Recalcitrance and Improves Ethanol Production from Switchgrass. Fu, C.; Mielenz, J.R.; Xiao, X.; Ge, Y.; Hamilton, C.Y.; Rodriguez, Jr., M.; Chen, F.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.; Bouton, O.; Dixon, R.A.; Wang, Z.Y. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011), 108(9), 3803-3808.
- Analyzing cellulose degree of polymerization and its relevancy to cellulosic ethanol. Hallac, B.B.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining (2011), 5(2), 215-225.
- Evaluation of grape stalks as a bioresource. Ping, L.; Brosse, N.; Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A. Industrial Crops and Products (2011), 33(1), 200-204.
- Increase in 4-Coumaryl Alcohol Units during Lignification in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Alters the Extractability and Molecular Weight of Lignin. Ziebell, A.; Gracom, K.; Katahira, R.; Chen, F.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.; Dixon, R.A.; Davis, M. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010), 285(50), 38961-38968.
- Charging Cellulose Spheres: Synthesis of 2,3-Disulfonated Cellulose in Bead Form, Dash, R.; Ragauskas, A.J. J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy (2010) 4, 440-445.
- Cellulosic biorefineries—unleashing lignin opportunities. Sannigrahi,P.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2010, 2:383–393
- 31P-NMR analysis of bio-oils obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass. David, K.; Kosa, M.; Williams, A.; Mayor, R.; Realff, M.;Muzzy, J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biofuels, (2010), 1(6), 839-845.
- Rapid Determination of Lignin Content via Direct Dissolution and 1H NMR Analysis of Plant Cell Walls. Jiang, Nan; Pu, Yunqiao; Ragauskas, Arthur J. ChemSusChem (2010), 3(11), 1285-1289.
- Changes in lignocellulosic supramolecular and ultrastructure during dilute acid pretreatment of Populus and switchgrass. Foston, Marcus; Ragauskas, Art J. Biomass and Bioenergy (2010), 34(12), 1885-1895.
- Direct analysis of cellulose in poplar stem by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry. Seokwon J.; Yanfeng C.; Cameron, S.M.; Ragauskas, A.J. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2010), 24(10), 3230–3236.
- SANS study of cellulose extracted from switchgrass. Pingali, S.V.; Urban, V.S.; Heller, W.T.; McGaughey, J.; O’Neill, H.M.; Foston, M.; Myles, D.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Evans, B.R. Acta Crystallographica, Section D: Biological Crystallography (2010), D66(11), 1189-1193.
- Correlation between anatomical characteristics of ethanol organosolv pretreated Buddleja davidii and its enzymatic conversion to glucose. Hallac, B.B.; Ray, M.; Murphy, R.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2010), 107(5), 795-801.
- Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid)-Polyethylene Glycol Nanocomposites Cross-Linked In Situ with Cellulose Nanowhiskers. Goetz, L.; Foston, M.; Mathew, A. P.; Oksman, K.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biomacromolecules (2010), 11(10), 2660-2666.
- Breakdown of Cell Wall Nanostructure in Dilute Acid Pretreated Biomass. Pingali, S.V.; Urban, V.S.; Heller, W.T.; McGaughey, J.; O’Neill, H.; Foston, M.; Myles, D.A.; Ragauskas, A.; Evans, B.R. Biomacromolecules (2010), 11(9), 2329-2335.
- A novel FRET approach for in situ investigation of cellulase-cellulose interaction. Wang, L.; Wang, Y.; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2010), 398(3), 1257-1262.
- Switchgrass as an energy crop for biofuel production: A review of its ligno-cellulosic chemical properties. Kasi D.; Ragauskas, A.J. Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 1182-1190. *One of the top ten most-read articles from the online version of Energy & Environmental Science for September 2010.\
- Atomic force microscopy characterization of switchgrass. Lee, I.; Evans, B. R.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A. Microscopy and Microanalysis (2010), 16(Suppl. 2), 1040-1041.
- Effect of acid-chlorite delignification on cellulose degree of polymerization. Hubbell, C.A.; Ragauskas, A.J. Bioresource Technology (2010), 101(19), 7410-7415.
- Effects of process severity on the chemical structure of Miscanthus ethanol organosolv lignin. El Hage, R.; Brosse, N.; Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A. Polymer Degradation and Stability (2010), 95(6), 997-1003.
- Structural characterization and comparison of switchgrass ball-milled lignin before and after dilute acid pretreatment. Samuel, R.; Pu, Y.; Raman, B.; Ragauskas, A.J. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2010), 162(1), 62-74.
- Effects of organosolv pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis on cellulose structure and crystallinity in Loblolly pine. Sannigrahi, P.; Miller, S.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Research (2010), 345(7), 965-970.
- Chemical Transformations of Buddleja davidii Lignin during Ethanol Organosolv Pretreatment. Hallac, B.B.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. Energy & Fuels (2009), 24(4), 2723-2732.
- Rapid Quantitative Analytical Tool for Characterizing the Preparation of Biodiesel. Nagy, M.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. Physical Chemistry A (2010), 114(11), 3883-3887.
- Effects of Two-Stage Dilute Acid Pretreatment on the Structure and Composition of Lignin and Cellulose in Loblolly Pine. Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Miller. S.J., BioEnergy Research (2008) 1:205–214.
- Poplar as a feedstock for biofuels: A review of compositional characteristics. Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Tuskan, G.A. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining (2010), 4(2), 209-226.
- Surface Characterization of Dilute Acid Pretreated Populus deltoides by ToF-SIMS. Jung, S.; Foston, M.; Sullards, M. C.; Ragauskas, A.J. Energy & Fuels (2010), 24(2), 1347-1357.
- Effect of Ethanol Organosolv Pretreatment on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Buddleja davidii Stem Biomass. Hallac, B.B.; Sannigrahi, P.; Pu, Y.; Ray, M.; Murphy, R.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2010), 49(4), 1467-1472.
- Solid-state NMR characterization of switchgrass cellulose after dilute acid pretreatment, Biofuels, Pu, Y.; Foston, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. (2010) 1, 85-90.
- Chemical profiles of switchgrass. Hu, Z.; Sykes, R.; Davis, M.F.; Brummer, M.E; Ragauskas, A.J. Bioresource Technology (2010), 101(9), 3253-3257.
- Characterization of CO2 precipitated Kraft lignin to promote its utilization. Nagy, M.; Kosa, M.; Theliander, H.; Ragauskas, A.J. Green Chemistry (2010), 12(1), 31-34.
- Chemical compositions of four switchgrass populations. Yan, J.; Hu, Z.; Pu, Y.; Charles B.E.; Ragauskas, A.J., Biomass and Bioenergy (2010), 34(1), 48-53.
- Perdeuterated pyridinium molten salt (ionic liquid) for direct dissolution and NMR analysis of plant cell walls. Jiang, N.; Pu, Y.; Samuel, R.; Ragauskas, A.J., Green Chemistry (2009), 11(11), 1762-1766.
- NMR Characterization of C3H and HCT Down-regulated Alfalfa Lignin for Improved Fermentable Sugar Yields, Pu, Y.; Chen, F.; Ziebell, A.; Davison, B.; Ragauskas, A.J., BioEnergy Research, (2009) 2, 198–208.
- Variations in Cellulosic Ultrastructure of Poplar, Foston, M.; Hubbell, C.A.; Davis, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. BioEnergy Research, Research (2009) 2, 193–197.
- Characterization of milled wood lignin and ethanol organosolv lignin from miscanthus. El Hage, R.; Brosse, N.; Chrusciel, L.; Sanchez, C.; Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A.J. (2009) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94(10), 1632-1638.
- Catalytic hydrogenolysis of ethanol organosolv lignin. Nagy, M.; David, K.; Britovsek, G.J. P.; Ragauskas, A.J. Holzforschung (2009), 63(5), 513-520.
- Pretreatment of Miscanthus x giganteus Using the Ethanol Organosolv Process for Ethanol Production. Brosse, N.; Sannigrahi, P.; Ragauskas, A. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2009), 48(18), 8328-8334.
- Quantitative NMR analysis of partially substituted biodiesel glycerols. Nagy, M.; Alleman, T.L.; Dyer, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy (2009), 3(1), 108-111.
- Phosphitylation and quantitative 31P NMR analysis of partially substituted biodiesel glycerols. Nagy, M.; Kerr, B.J.; Ziemer, C.J. Fuels (2009), 88(9), 1793-1797.
- Biomass Characterization of Buddleja davidii: A Potential Feedstock for Biofuel Production. Hallac, Bassem B.; Sannigrahi, Poulomi; Pu, Yunqiao; Ray, Michael; Murphy, Richard J.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2009), 57(4), 1275-1281.
- Cross-Polarization / Magic Angle Spinning (CP/MAS) 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Analysis of Chars from Alkaline-Treated Pyrolyzed Softwood. David, K.; Pu, Y.; Foston, M.; Muzzy, J.; Ragauskas, A. Energy & Fuels (2008), 23(1), 498-501.
- Cellulase kinetics as a function of cellulose pretreatment. Bommarius, A..S.; Katona, A.; Cheben, S.E.; Patel, Arpit S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Knudson, K.; Pu, Y. Metabolic Engineering (2008), 10(6), 370-381.
- Production of ethanol from carbohydrates from loblolly pine: A technical and economic assessment. Frederick, W. J.; Lien, S. J.; Courchene, C. E.; DeMartini, N. A.; Ragauskas, A. J.; Iisa, K. Bioresource Technology (2008), 99(11), 5051-5057.
- Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of spruce by alkaline pretreatment at low temperature. Zhao, Yulin; Wang, Ying; Zhu, J. Y.; Ragauskas, Art; Deng, Yulin. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2008), 99(6), 1320-1328.
- A Novel Method for Enhanced Recovery of Lignin from Aqueous Process Streams. Kim, Dong Ho; Pu, Yunqiao; Chandra, Richard P.; Dyer, Thomas J.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Singh, Preet M. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology (2007), 27(3&4), 219-224.
- The new forestry biofuels sector. Pu, Yunqiao; Zhang, Dongcheng; Singh, Preet M.; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining (2008), 2(1), 58-73
- Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Activated Alcohols into Acids or Aldehydes in Ionic Liquids. Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2007), 72(18), 7030-7033.
- Tunable solvents for fine chemicals from the biorefinery. Eckert, C.; Liotta, C.; Ragauskas, A.; Hallett, J.; Kitchens, C.; Hill, E.; Draucker, L., Green Chemistry (2007), 9(6), 545-548.
- Chemistry for a sustainable future. Grassian, V.H.; Meyer, G.; Abruna, H.; Coates, G. W.; Achenie, L.E.; Allison, T.; Brunschwig, B.; Ferry, J.; Garcia-Garibay, M.; Gardea-Torresday, J.; Grey, C.P.; Hutchison, J.; Li, C.-J.; Liotta, C.; Ragauskas, A.; Minteer, S.; Mueller, K.; Roberts, J.; Sadik, O.; Schmehl, R.; Schneider, W.; Selloni, A.; Stair, P.; Stewart, J.; Thorn, D.; Tyson, J.; Voelker, B.; White, J. M.; Wood-Black, F.. Environmental Science & Technology (2007), 41(14), 4840-4846.
- Measuring the efficiency of biomass energy. Reply. Davison, Brian H.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Templer, Richard; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Melenz, Jonathan R. Science (2006), 312(5781), 1744.
- The Path Forward for Biofuels and Biomaterials. Ragauskas, A.J.; Williams, C.K.; Davison, B.H.; Britovsek, G.; Cairney, J.; Eckert, C.A.; Frederick, W.J., Jr.; Hallett, J.P.; Leak, D.J.; Liotta, C.L.; Mielenz, J.R.; Murphy, R.; Templer, R.; Tschaplinski, T. Science (2006), 311(5760), 484-489.
- Review of Current and Future Softwood Kraft Lignin Process Chemistry. Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial Crops and Products (2004), 20(2), 131-141.
- Co-Production of Ethanol and Cellulose Fiber from Southern Pine: A technical and Economic Assessment. Frederick, J.; Lien, S.J.; Courchene, C.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Iisa, K.; 2006 Engineering, Pulping, and Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA. (Nov., 2006)
- Addressing Transportation Fuel Challenges – GT Research Horizons (Spring, p 30, 2006)
- The Path Forward for Biofuels and Biomaterials. Ragauskas, A.J.; Williams, C.K.; Davison, B.H.; Britovsek, G.; Cairney, J.; Eckert, C.A.; Frederick, W.J., Jr.; Hallett, J.P.; Leak, D.J.; Liotta, C.L.; Mielenz, J.R.; Murphy, R.; Templer, R.; Tschaplinski, T. Science (2006), 311(5760), 484-489.
- CP/MAS 13C NMR analysis of cellulase treated bleached softwood kraft pulp. Pu, Yunqiao; Ziemer, Cherie; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Research (2006), 341(5), 591-597.
- From Wood to Fuels: Integrating biofuels and pulp production. Ragauskas, A.J., Nagy, M.; Kim, D.H.; Eckert, C.A.; Liotta, C.L. Industrial Biotechnology, (2006), 2(1), 55-65.
- Copper(II)-Catalyzed Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols under Mild Conditions. Jiang, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2006), 71(18), 7087-7090
- Copper(II)-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Primary Alcohols to Aldehydes in Ionic Liquid [bmpy]PF6. Jiang, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Organic Letters (2005), 7(17), 3689-3692.
- TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of benzylic alcohols to aldehydes with the H2O2/HBr/ionic liquid [bmim]PF6 system. Nan, J; Ragauskas, A.J. Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(19), 3323-3326.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Preparation of Superabsorbent Cellulosic Hydrogels. Pan, S.; Ragauskas, A. Carbohydrate Polymers (2012), 87(2), 1410-1418
- Wet strength development in sisal cellulose fibers by effect of a laccase-TEMPO treatment. Aracri, Elisabetta; Vidal, Teresa; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2011), 84(4), 1384-1390
- Preparation of microwave-assisted polymer-grafted softwood kraft pulp fibers. Enhanced water absorbency. Goetz, Lee A.; Sladky, Jessica R.; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2011), 119(1), 387-395.
- Analysis of microwave vs. thermally assisted grafting of poly(methyl-vinyl ether co-maleic acid)-polyethylene glycol to birch kraft pulp, Goetz, L.A.; Sladky, J.P.; Ragauskas, A.J. Holzforschung (2009), 63(4), 414–417.
- Modification of high-lignin softwood kraft pulp with laccase and amino acids. Witayakran, S.; Ragauskas, A.J. Enzyme and Microbial Technology (2009), 44(3), 176-181.
- Exploring fibre-fibre interfaces via FRET and fluorescence microscopy. Thomson, C.; Lowe, R.; Page, D.; Ragauskas, A. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (2008), 34(2), 113-120.
- Zhang, Jianguo; Jiang, Nan; Dang, Zheng; Elder, Thomas J.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.. Oxidation and sulfonation of cellulosics. Cellulose (2008), 15(3), 489-496.
- Characterizing TEMPO-mediated oxidation of ECF bleached softwood kraft pulps. Dang, Zheng; Zhang, Jianguo; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2007), 70(3), 310-317.
- Total fibre charge of fully bleached SW kraft pulps: a comparative study. Zhang, D. C.; Pu, Y.; Courchene, C. E.; Chai, X.-S.; Ragauskas, A. J., Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (2006), 32(4), 231-237.
- Imaging cellulose fibre interfaces with fluorescence microscopy and resonance energy transfer. Thomson, C.I.; Lowe, R.M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Carbohydrate Polymers (2007), 69(4), 799-804.
- Deformation behavior of wet lignocellulosic fibers, Lowe, R.M.; Page, D.H.; Waterhouse, J.F.; Hsieh, J.; Cheluka, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Holzforschung (2007), 61(3), 261 – 266.
- Alkaline Peroxide Treated ECF Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulps Part I. Characterizing the Effect of Alkaline Peroxide Treatment of ECF Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp on Carboxyl Groups of Fibers. Dang, Z.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. Holzforschung (2007), 61(3), 445-450.
- Alkaline Peroxide Treated ECF Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulps. Part II. The Effect of Increased Fiber Charge Pulps by Peroxide Treatment on Refining, Wet-end Application, and Drying/Hornification. Dang, Z.; Elder, T.; Hsieh, J.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., Holzforschung (2007), 61(3), 451-458.
- The effect of fiber charge enhanced by chemical oxidation on paper dry-tensile stiffness. Zhang, D.; Ragauskas, A.J., Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (2007), 22(1), 76-79.
- Chemical Modification of ECF Softwood Kraft Pulp by Alkaline Peroxide Treatment. Dang, Z; Ragauskas, A.J. 2006 Engineering, Pulping, and Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA. (Nov., 2006)
- The Effect of Sequential Bleaching on Total Fiber Charge of SW Kraft Pulp Fibers. Zhang, D.C.; Ragauskas, A.J. 2006 Engineering, Pulping, and Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA. (Nov., 2006)
- Lignocellulosic fiber charge enhancement by catalytic oxidation during oxygen delignification. Zhang, D.; Chai, X.-S.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2007), 306(2), 248-254.
- Tailoring the Wet Strength of Linerboard via Dielectric Barrier Discharge, Johansson, E.E.; Elder T.J.: Ragauskas, A.J. Wood Chemistry and Technology (2006) 26, 289-297.
- Surface Modification of Cellulosic Fibers using Dielectric-barrier Discharge. Vander Wielen, L.C.; Ostenson, M.; Gatenholm, P.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2006), 65, 179-184.
- Influence of Kraft Pulping on Carboxylate Content of Softwood Kraft Pulps. Dang, Z.J.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A. J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2006), 45(13), 4509-4516.
- Characterization of Lignocellulosic-Polylactic Acid Reinforced Composites. Hou, Q., Chai, R.; Yang, R.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2006), 99, 1346-1349.
- Direct Observation of Bonding Influence on the Tensile Creep Behavior of Paper. DeMaio, A.; Lowe, R.; Patterson, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. In Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (2006), 21(3), 297 – 302.
- Dielectric-barrier discharge initiated grafting to enhance fiber charge. Vander Wielen, L.; Ragauskas, A.J. Chemical Engineering Communications (2006), 193(6), 683-688.
- Elucidating carboxylic acid profiles for extended oxygen delignification of high-kappa softwood kraft pulps. Zhang, D.; Pu, Y.; Chai, X. S.; Naithani, V.; Jameel, H.; Ragauskas, A.J. Holzforschung (2006), 60(2), 123-129.
- Characterization of Fiber Carboxylic Acid Development during One-Stage Oxygen Delignification. Zhang, D.; Chai, X.-S.; Hou, Q.; Ragauskas, A.J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2005), 44(24), 9279-9285.
- Mechanism of dielectric-barrier discharge initiated wet-strength development. Vander Wielen, L.C.; Ostenson, M.; Gatenholm, P.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2005), 98(5), 2219-2225.
- Modification of High-Lignin Kraft Pulps with Laccase. Part 2. Xylanase-Enhanced Strength Benefits. Chandra, R.P.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biotechnology Progress (2005), 21(4), 1302-1306.
- Enhanced wet tensile paper properties via dielectric-barrier discharge. Lorraine C. Vander Wielen, Derek H. Page and Arthur J. Ragauskas. Holsforschung, (2005), 59(1), 65-71.
- Analysis of the topochemical effects of dielectric-barrier discharge on cellulosic fibers. Vander Wielen, Lorraine C.; Elder, Thomas; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Cellulose (2005), 12(2), 185-196.
- Wet-stiffening of TMP and kraft fibers via dielectric-barrier discharge treatment. Vander Wielen, Lorraine C.; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (2004), 19(3), 384-385.
- Investigation of the photo-oxidative chemistry of acetylated softwood lignin. Pu, Yunqiao; Anderson, Sean; Lucia, Lucian; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 163(1-2), 215-221 (2004).
- Grafting of acrylamide onto lignocellulosic fibers via dielectric-barrier discharge. Vander Wielen, L; Ragauskas, A.J. European Polymer J., 40(3), 477-482 (2004).
- Modification of High Lignin Content Kraft Pulps with Laccase to Improve Paper Strength Properties. 1. Laccase Treatment in the Presence of Gallic Acid. Chandra, R.P.; Lehtonen, L. K.; Ragauskas, A.J. Biotechnology Progress 20(1), 255-261 (2004).
- Fundamentals of Photobleaching Lignin. Part 1: Photobehaviors of Acetylated Softwood BCTMP Lignin. Pu, Y.; Anderson, L.; Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Science, 29(12), 401 (2003).
- Oxygen Delignification Chemistry and Its Impact on Pulp Fibers. Yang, R.; Lucia,L.; Ragauskas, A.; Jameel, H., J. Wood Chem. Technol. 23(1), 13(2003).
- Acidic Group Topochemistry and Fiber-to-Fiber Specific Bond Strength. Barzyk, D.; Page, D.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Sci., 23(2), J59(1997).
- Carboxylic Acid Groups and Fiber Bonding. Barzyk, D.; Page D.; Ragauskas, A.J., The Fundamentals of Papermaking Materials, Baker, C.F. (Ed.), Pira Internat., Surrey, UK, 2, 859(1997).
- The Effect of Acid Group Content on the Properties of Cotton Fibers. Barzyk, D.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Ellis, R.L., The 1995 Forest Products Symposium. P.W. Hart, Editor; B.N. Brogdon, J.C. Joseph, and B.P. Roy, Co-editors. AIChE Symposium Series 311, 92, 146-151. Published by AIChE, New York(1996).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Study on the modification of bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp using birch xylan. Han, W.; Zhao, C.; Elder, T.; Chen, K.; Yang, R.; Kim, D.; Pu, Y.; Hsieh, J.; Ragauskas, A. J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2012), 88(2), 719-725.
- Filler Modification with Polysaccharides or Their Derivatives for Improved Paper Properties Song, D.; Dong, C.; Ragauskas, A.; Deng, Y. J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy (2009) 3, 321–334.
- Starch as Driver in Papermaking Development. Ragauskas, A.J.; Deng, Y.; White, D., Pira Fillers and Pigments for Papermakers Conference (Nov., 2005).
- Improvement of Paper Properties using Starch-modified Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Filler. Zhao, Y.; Hu, Z.; Ragauskas, A.; Deng, Y. TAPPI Practical Papermaking Conference, Milwaukee, WI (May, 2005).
- Imaging Fibre Deformations. Lowe. R.; Page, D.; Ragauskas, A.J. 13th Fundamental Research Symposium, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK. (Sept., 2005).
- The Influence of the Conditions in Kraft Cooking of Loblolly Pine on Kraft Charge. Dang, Z.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2005 Engineering, Pulping, and Environmental Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Fiber chemical modification by selective catalytic oxidation during one-stage oxygen delignification. Zhang, D.C.; Ragauskas, A.J. 2005 Engineering, Pulping, and Environmental Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- The Fate of Fiber Charge During Peroxide Bleaching and Oxygen Delignification. Zhang D.; Kim, D.; Allison, A.; Dang, Z.; Ragauskas, A.J. 2005 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, June Stockholm, Sweden.
- Deconvoluting Chromophore Formation and Removal during Kraft Pulping: Influence of Metal Cations. Dyer, T.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. 13th International Symposium on Wood, Forestry, and Pulping Chemistry, Auckland, New Zealand (May 2005).
- Excitation Energy Transfer in Cellulosics: Indications of Inter-fibre Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer. Thomson, C.I.; Lowe, R.M.; Ragauskas, A.J. 13th International Symposium on Wood, Forestry, and Pulping Chemistry, Auckland, New Zealand (May 2005).
- Surfaces Customized for Performance via Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Vander Wielen, L.C.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2004 Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Trondheim, Norway.
- Excitation Energy Transfer in Lignin: Fluorescence of Kraft Residual Lignin. Dyer, T.J.; Ragauskas, AJ. 8th European Workshop On Lignocellulosics and Pulp, August (2004) Latvia.
- The Tincture of Kraft Pulps. Thomson, C.I.; Dyer, T.J.; Ragauskas, AJ. 8th European Workshop On Lignocellulosics and Pulp, August (2004) Latvia.
- Tailoring Fiber Properties During One-Stage Oxygen Delignification Fiber Acid Group Content Development, Zhang, D.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Hou, Q.; Chai, X.S., Fall TAPPI Technical Conference, Atlanta Nov. (2004).
- Impact of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge on Bonding, Vander Wielen, L.; Page, D.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2003 International Paper Physics /> Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada (2003).
- Imaging Individual Fibre Intersections in the Wet and Dry State, Lowe, R.; Page, D.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2003 International Paper Physics Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada (2003).
- Dielectric Discharge a Concatenated Approach to Fiber Modification, Vander Wielen, L.C.; Ragauskas, A.J., S.T.,12th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Madison, WI (June 2003).
- Effect of Acid Group Content on the Properties of Cotton Fibers. Barzyk, D.; Ragauskas, A.; Ellis, R., Fundamentals and Applications in Pulping, Papermaking, and Chemical Preparation, AIChE, Forest Products Symposium, Chicago, IL, 146(1996).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Integration of hemicellulose pre-extraction in the bleach-grade pulp production process. Huang, F.; Ragauskas, A.J. TAPPI J. 12(10), 55-59 (2013).
- Improving Physical Properties of Kraft Hardwood Pulps by Copulping with Agricultural Residues. Levit, M.V.; Allison, L.; Bradbury, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2013), 52(9), 3300-3305.
- Extraction of Hemicellulose from Loblolly Pine Woodchips and Subsequent Kraft Pulping. Huang, F.; Ragauskas, A., Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2013), 52(4), 1743-1749.
- Experimental and modeling of carbonate formation in the effluent of oxygen delignification. Zhang, D. C.; Hsieh, J.; Chai, X. -S.; Ragauskas, A. J. AIChE Journal (2007), 53(3), 669-677.
- Deconvoluting chromophore formation and removal during kraft pulping: influence of metal cations. Dyer, Thomas J.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.. Appita Journal (2006), 59(6), 452-458 [Invited]
- Profiling the wood and pulping properties of southern pine thinning resources. Kim, Dong Ho; Allison, Lenong; Carter, Blair; Hou, Qingxi; Courchene, Charles; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Sealey, James. Tappi Journal (2005), (1), 21-25.
- Comparative Evaluation of Oxygen Delignification Processess for Low- and High-Lignin-Content Softwood Kraft Pulps. Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Chakar, F., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 5171-5180(2002).
- Oxygen Degradation and Spectroscopic Characterization of Hardwood Kraft Lignin. Yang, R.; Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.; Jameel, H. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(24), 5941-5948 (2002).
- Zhan, Huai-yu; Pu, Yun-qiao; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Jiang, Jian Er. Structural changes of lignin during EMCC pulping of Pinus elliottii in southern China. Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban , 30(9), 65-69(2002).
- A Comparative Evaluation of Low-AOX Hardwood Kraft Pulp Bleaching Sequences. McDonough, T.J.; Courchene, C.E.; Shaket, A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Khandelwal, B.; Magnotta, V.L., Pulp & Paper Canada, 102(10), T 295(2001).
- Breaking the Oxygen Delignification Barrier: Lignin Activity and Inactivity. Lucia, L.; Goodell, M.; Chakar, F.S.; Ragauskas, A.J. In Oxidative Delignification Chemistry. Fundamentals and Catalysis. Ed. Argyropoulos, D.A., ACS Symposium Series, Oxford University Press, Washington, 785, 444 (2001).
- Intrinsic Metal Binding Capacity of Kraft Lignins. Werner, J.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jiang, J.E., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 20(2), 133(2000).
- Influence of Hexenuronic Acids on US Bleaching Operations. Chakar, F.S.; Allison, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J.; Sezgi, U., TAPPI J., November (2000).
- Metal Profiling of Southeastern U.S. Softwood and Hardwood Furnish. Allison, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Hsieh, J., TAPPI J., 83(8), 97(2000).
- NMR Analysis of Oxidative Alkaline Extraction Stage Lignins. Runge, T.M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Holzforschung, 53, 623(1999).
- NMR Studies. Part 5: Nature of Residual Lignin in Kraft Pulps. Ragauskas, A.J.; Lin, W.; McDonough, T.J.; Jiang, J.E., Tappi J., 82(9), 113(1999).
- Oxygen Delignification of High-Yield Kraft Pulp. Moe, S.T.; Ragauskas, A.J., Holzforschung, 53, 416(1999).
- Investigations into the Intrinsic Non-Process Element Binding Capacity of Kraft Black Liquor Lignins. Werner, J.; Jiang, J.E.; Ragauskas, A.J., Fundamentals Advances and Innovations in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Eds. Brogdon, B.N., Hart, P.W., Walker, C.C., AIChE Symposium Series 322, 95, 31(1999).
- Investigation of ortho- and para-Quinone Chromophores in Alkaline Extraction Stage Residual Lignins. Zawadzki, M.; Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. In ACS Symposium Series 742, Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives, Eds. Glasser, W.G.; Northey, R.A.; Schultz, T.P., ACS, Washington, 254, 505(1999).
- NMR Studies. Part 3: Analysis of Lignins from Modern Kraft Pulping Technologies. Froass, P.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jiang, J.E., Holzforschung, 52, 385(1998).
- NMR Studies. Part 4: Analysis of Residual Lignin after Kraft Pulping. Froass, P.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jiang, J.E., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 37(8), 3388(1998).
- Interaction of Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorine Dioxide in ECF Bleaching. Senior, D.; Hamilton, J.; Froass, P.; Sealey, J.; Ragauskas, A.J., Tappi J., 81(6), 170(1998).
- NMR Studies. Part 2: Investigation of Process Analytical NMR Techniques for the Pulp and Paper Industry. Draheim, E.J.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 17(3), 287(1997).
- Chemical Structure of Residual Lignin from Kraft Pulp. Froass, P.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jian-er, J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 16(4), 347(1996).
- Bleaching Kraft Pulps with in-situ Generated Dioxiranes. Santiago, D.; Rodriguez, A.; Szwec, J.; Baumstark, A.L.; Ragauskas, A.J., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34, 400(1995).
- A New Model Compound for Studying Alkaline Cellulose Cleavage Reactions. Kaylor, R.M.; Dimmel, D.R.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Liotta, C., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 15(4), 431(1995).
- Investigation of Dimethyldioxirane as a Bleaching Reagent for Kraft Pulp. Ragauskas, A.J., Tappi J., 76(7), 87(1993).
- Bleaching of Kraft Pulps via Dioxiranes. Ragauskas, A.J., in Advances in Oxygenated Processes. Ed. A.L. Baumstark, JAI Press Inc., England, 4, 177(1995).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Evaluation of ECF Bleached SW Kraft Pulps from Mature and Thinning Wood Resources. Ragauskas, A.J.; Kim, D.H.; Carter, B.C.; Courchene, C.E., Fall TAPPI Technical Conference, Atlanta Nov. (2004).
- Assessing The Pulp and Paper Industry Outlook, Frederick, J.; Ragauskas, A.J. South Carolina forestry Association’s Annual Meeting and Governor’s Forestry Summit, Myrtle Beach , SC (2004).
- Defining The Benefits of High-Kappa Pulps for ECF Bleaching Operations, Ragauskas, A.J.; Pu, Y.; Naithani, V.; Jameel, H.; Lucia, L. Fall TAPPI Technical Conference, Atlanta Nov. (2004).
- Improving Bleached Kraft Pulp Production via Integrated Kraft pulping and O-Delignification Technologies, Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Naithani, V.; Jameel, H., TAPPI Paper Summit 2004, Atlanta, GA.
- Examining the Impact of Process Variables on Brownstock Kraft Pulps, Dyer, T.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. 2003 TAPPI Fall Technical Conference: Engineering, Pulping & PCE&I, Oct., Chicago, IL.
- Pulping Properties of Southern Pine Thinning Wood Resource, Ragauskas, A.J.; Allison, L.; Carter, B.R.; Courchene, C.E.; Hou, Q.; Kim, D.H; Sealey, J.E. II. 2003 TAPPI Fall Technical Conference: Engineering, Pulping & PCE&I, Oct., Chicago, IL.
- High Selectivity Oxygen Delignification of SW and HW Kraft Pulps with Tailored Bleachability Properties, Ragauskas, A.J.; Hasan, J.; Naithani, V.; Lucia, L.; Pu. Y., 2003 TAPPI Fall Technical Conference: Engineering, Pulping & PCE&I, Oct., Chicago, IL.
- Enhancing the Chemical Basis for Improved Kraft Pulping with PS, AQ, and PS/AQ, Dyer, T.; Feng, Z.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Vaaler, D.; Moe, S.T.,12th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Madison, WI (June 2003).
- Developing Predictive Relationships Between O2, Delignification and Physical Pulp Properties, Yang, R.; Pu, Y.; Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jameel, H., 12th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Madison, WI (June 2003).
- Influence of Nonprocess Elements on Lignin Structure During Oxygen Delignification, Pu, Y.; Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jameel, H., 2nd International symposium on Emerging Technologies of Pulping and Papermaking Conference, Guangzhou, China (2002).
- Identifying the Optimal Applications of D and Z for Low Consistency Bleaching of Hard Wood Kraft Pulps. Retzlaff, A.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Diego, CA(Sept. 2002).
- The Application of an Economic and Effective Selectivity Chemical System for Improving Oxygen Delignification in a Mill Setting. Fu, S., Goyal, G., Lucia, L.A., Ragauskas, A.J., Hanna, R. TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Diego, CA(Sept. 2002).
- Optimizing Pulping and Oxygen Bleaching to Improve Yield. Jameel, H.; Kirkman, A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Lucia, L., TAPPI Kraft Pulp Yield Workshop, Paper Summit, March (2002).
- Developments in Bleaching Technology Focus on Reducing Capital, Operating Costs, Pulp and Paper, Dyer, T. ; Ragauskas, A.J., March, 49-53(2002).
- (D/Z/D) and (Z/D/Z): A Sagacious Application of Bleaching Chemistry for Kraft Pulps, Retzlaff, A.; Ragauskas, A.J. 7th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Turku, Finland (Aug., 26, 2002).
- Low Capital Retrofit for High Value Pulping. Ban, W.; White, D.; Woitkovich, C.; Ragauskas, A.; Lucia, L. TAPPI Kraft Pulp Yield Workshop, Paper Summit, March (2002).
- Performance with Reduced Cost: Optimizing ECF Bleaching Technologies with a Poor Man’s O. Dyer, T.J.; Johnston, D.C.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Seattle, WA(Nov. 2001).
- Controlling The Efficiency of Oxygen Delignification Through Selected Key Operational Parameters: Pulp Mixing and Metals Management. Yang, R.; Lucia, L.A.; Ragauskas
- Novel Concatenations of Bleaching Sequences, Retzlaff, A.; Ragauskas, A.J., 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, I, France, 271(June, 2001).
- On the Improved Selectivity of Oxygen Delignification 1. Fiber Curl, Crystallinity and Length. Fiskari, J.P.T.; McDonough, T.J.; Dyer, T.J.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Waterhouse, J.F., 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, I, France, III-463(June, 2001).
- Low Capital, High Return Modifications to Kraft Pulping Operations. Ban, W.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Lucia, L.A., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Seattle, WA(Nov. 2001).
- Structural Changes of Lignin during EMCC? Pulping of Pinus Elliottii in Southern China. Pu, Z.; Zhan, H.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jiang, J.E., 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, France, I, 45(June, 2001).
- The Influence of Pulp Bleaching on Non-Process Elements. Wang, W.; Hsieh, J.S.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Boston, MA(Nov. 2000).
- Mini Oxygen Stages: More Delignification with Less Capital. Dyer, T.J.; Lucia, L.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jameel, H., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Boston, MA(Nov. 2000).
- Evaluation of Hexenuronic Acids in U.S. Kraft Pulps. Chakar, F.S.; Allison, L.; McDonough, T.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. 6th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp – Advances in Lignocellulosics Chemistry Towards High Quality Processes and Products, Bordeaux, France, 253(Sept. 2000).
- Improving the Bleachability of Hardwood Kraft Pulps. McDonough, T.J.; Shaket, A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Baosman, A.; Sezgi, U., 2000 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Halifax, NS, 49(June 2000).
- Extending the Limits of Oxygen Delignification. Chakar, F.S.; Lucia, L.; Ragauskas, A.J., 2000 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, NS, Canada, 123(June 2000).
- Pulp Properties Influencing Oxygen Delignification Bleachability. Zawadzki, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Orlando, FL, 1, 323(Oct. 1999).
- ECF Bleachability of Softwood and Hardwood Kraft Pulps Made with Altered Liquor Concentration Profiles. McDonough, T.J.; Krishnagopalan, G.A.; Rawat, N.; Saucedo, V.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Melander, M.; Zawadzki, M., 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, 296(June 1999).
- Structural Changes in Kraft Pulp Residual Lignin Upon Peracetic Acid Treatment. Moe, S.T.; Ragauskas, A.J., 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, 296(June 1999).
- A Comparative Evaluation of Low-AOX Hardwood Kraft Pulp Bleaching Sequences, McDonough, T.J.; Courchene, C.E.; Shaket, A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Khandelwal, B.; Magnotta, V.L. 1999 CPPA Conference, Montreal, QC, B307(Jan.1999).
- Lignin Structural Changes by Oxidative Alkaline Extraction. Runge, T.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J., 1998 TAPPI Pulping Conference, Montreal, QC, 3, 1541(Oct. 1998).
- Chromophoric Properties of High Brightness Pulps. Zawadzki, M.; Runge, T.M.; Ragauskas, A.J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, Montreal, QC, 3, 1551(Oct. 1998).
- Fundamental Parameters Contributing to Improved ClO2 Pulp Bleaching. Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J.; Lin, L., International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 87(June 1998).
- Extended Oxygen Delignification of High-Yield Kraft Pulp. Correlation between Residual Lignin Structures and Bleachability by Oxygen and Chlorine Dioxide. Moe, S.T.; Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J., 1998 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 33(June 1998).
- A Comparative Evaluation of Low AOX Bleaching Sequences. Ragauskas, A.J.; Turner, M.; Khandelwal, B.; Magnotta, V.L., 1998 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 389(June 1998).
- High-Yield Pulping and Bleaching Strategy for Aspen Kraft Pulps. Senior, D.J.; Oldroyd, D.L.; Fleming, B.I.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Zawadzki, M., 1998 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 49(June 1998).
- Oxidative Alkaline Extraction Impact on Delignification and Chromophore Destruction. Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., 1998 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 613(June 1998).
- Differences in Bleaching and Refining Response of Displacement Batch Hardwood and Softwood Caused by Pulping Conditions and Structure of Residual Lignin. Hanna, R.J.; Fisher, J.J.; Krohn, M.J.; Goyal, G.C.; Packwood, R.E.; Ragauskas, A.J., International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 323(June 1998).
- Studies of Chlorine Dioxide Delignification: Vapor-Phase Bleaching of Hardwood and Softwood Kraft Pulps. McDonough, T.; Ragauskas, A.; Shaket, A.; Sezgi, U., TAPPI International Environmental Conference, 1121(April 1998).
- Evaluation of the Intrinsic Metal Binding Capacity of Kraft Black Liquor Lignins. Werner, J.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Jiang, J.E., 1998 TAPPI Pulping Conference, Montreal, QC, 3, 1145(1998).
- Fundamental Parameters Contributing to Residual Lignin in Kraft Pulp. Ragauskas, A.J.; Lin, W.; McDonough, T.; Jiang, J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Francisco, CA, 903(Oct., 1997).
- High-Yield Production Strategy for Hardwood Kraft Pulps. Senior, D.; Hamilton, J.; Oldroyd, D.; Hillis, S.; Wadley, F.; Fleming, B.; Ragauskas, A.; Sealey, J., TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Francisco, CA, 45(Oct. 1997).
- Advances in Understanding the Basics of the First Alkaline Extraction Stage in Bleaching. Runge, T.; Ragauskas, A.; Froass, P., TAPPI Pulping Conference, San Francisco, CA, 603(Oct. 1997).
- Interaction of Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorine Dioxide Stages in ECF Bleaching. Senior, D.J.; Hamilton, J.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Sealey, J.; Froass, P.M., International Pulp Bleaching Conference, 261(April 1996).
- Relationship between Residual Lignin Structure and Pulp Bleachability. Froass, P.M.; Ragauskas, A.J.; McDonough, T.J.; Jiang, J.E., 1996 International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Washington, DC, 163(June 1996).
- Totally Chlorine-Free Bleaching with Dimethyldioxirane. McDonough, T.J.; Marquis, A.; Ragauskas, A.J., International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Vancouver, BC, 47(June 1994).
- Fundamental Studies of Dimethyldioxirane as a Bleaching Reagent for Kraft Pulps. Ragauskas, A.J.; Rodriguez, A.; Senior, D.J.; Qui, C., Nonchlorine Bleaching Conference, Hilton Head, SC, 41, 13(March 1993).
- Chemistry of Cationic Retention Aids: Molecular Orbital Calculations on Monomers. Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J., CTAPI 7th Int. Symp. Wood Pulping Chem. Proc., Beijing, 3, 404(May 1993).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Preparation and characteristics of cellulose nanowhisker reinforced acrylic foams synthesized by freeze-casting. Xu, Z.; Sun, Q.; Huang, F.; Pu, Y.; Pan, S.; Ragauskas, A.J. RSC Advances (2014), 4(24), 12148-12153.
- Synthesis of a co-cross-linked nanocomposite hydrogels from poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid)-polyethylene glycol and nanofibrillated cellulose. Dash, R.; Cateto, C.A.; Ragauskas,A.J. Cellulose (2014) 21, 529–534.
- Ice templated and cross-linked xylan/nanocrystalline cellulose hydrogels. Köhnke, T.; Elder, T.; Theliander, H.; Ragauskasa, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers 100 (2014) 24– 30.
- Freeze-casting of cellulose nanowhisker foams prepared from a water-dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) binary mixture at low DMSO concentrations. Zhou, Y.; Fu, S.; Pu, Y.; Pan, S.; Levit, M.V.; Ragauskas, A.J., RSC Advances (2013), 3(42), 19272-19277.
- Mechanical deconstruction of lignocellulose cell walls and their enzymatic saccharification. Hoeger, I.C.; Nair, S.S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Deng, Y.; Rojas, O.J.; Zhu, J.Y. Cellulose (2013) 20:807–818.
- Grafting of model primary amine compounds to cellulose nanowhiskers through periodate oxidation. Dash, R.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. Cellulose (2012) 19:6, 2069-2079.
- Improving the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Gelatin Hydrogels Cross-Linked by Cellulose Nanowhiskers. Dash, R.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2013), 91, 638-645.
- Nanoreinforced xylan-cellulose composite foams by freeze-casting, Koehnke, T.; Lin, A.; Elder, T.; Theliander, H.; Ragauskas, A.J., Green Chemistry (2012), 14(7), 1864-1869.
- Kraft Lignin-based Rigid Polyurethane Foam. Li., Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. J. of Wood Chemistry and Technology (2012) 32(3), 210-224.
- Ethanol Organosolv Lignin-based Rigid Polyurethane Foam Reinforced with Cellulose Nanowhiskers. Analyst. Li, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. RSC Advances (2012), 2(8), 3347-3351.
- Synthesis of a novel cellulose nanowhisker-based drug delivery system. Dash, R; Ragauskas, A.J., RSC Advances (2012), 2(8), 3403-3409.
- Cellulose nanowhisker foams by freeze casting. Dash, R.; Li, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J., Carbohydrate Polymers (2012), 88(2), 789-792.
- Biopolymer Nanocomposite Films Reinforced with Nanocellulose Whiskers, Saxena, A.; Foston, M.; Kassaee, M.; Elder, T.J.; Ragauskas. A.J.; J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (2012) 12, 218-226.
- Nanometrology of Delignified Populus using Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy, Tetard L; Passian A; Farahi R H; Davison B H; Jung S; Ragauskas A J; Lereu A L; Thundat T., Nanotechnology (2011), 22(46), 465702.
- Amino Acid Modified Cellulose Whiskers, Cateto, C.A.; Ragauskas, A., RSC Advances (2011), 1(9), 1695-1697.
- Rigid Polyurethane Foam/Cellulose Whisker Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties. Li,Y.; Ren,H.; Ragauskas, A.J.J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 6904-6911 (2011).
- Thermal Gravimetric Analysis of In-situ Crosslinked Nanocellulose Whiskers – Poly(methyl Vinyl Ether-co-maleic Acid)-Polyethylene Glycol. Goetz, Lee A.; Mathew, Aji P.; Oksman, Kristiina; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Tappi Journal (2011), 10(4), 29-33.
- Preparation of Starch-Fatty Acid Modified Clay and Its Application in Packaging Papers. Cao, S; Song, D.; Deng, Y.; Ragauskas, A. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2011), 50(9), 5628-5633
- High Oxygen Nanocomposite Barrier Films based on Xylan and Nanocrystalline Cellulose, Saxena, A.; Elder, T.J.; Kenvin, J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Nano-Micro Letters Vol. 2, No. 4 235-241 (2010).
- Moisture barrier properties of xylan composite films. Saxena, A.; Elder, T.J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2011), 84(4), 1371-1377.
- Starch-modified fillers for linerboard and paper grades: A perspective review. Deng Y.L.; Jones P.; McLain L,; Jones, P. TAPPI J., (2010), 9(4), 31-36.
- Rigid polyurethane foam reinforced with cellulose whiskers: Synthesis and characterization, Li, Y.; Ren, H.; Ragauskas, A.J. Nano-Micro Lett. 2, 89-94 (2010).
- Filler modification with polysaccharides or their derivatives for improved paper properties. Song, D.; Dong, C.; Ragauskas, A.; Deng, Y. J. Biobased Materials Bioenergy (2009), 3(4), 321-334.
- Novel nanocellulosic xylan composite film. Saxena, A.; Elder, T.; Shaobo, P.; Ragauskas, A.J., Composites Part B: Engineering (2009), 40(8), 727-730.
- Water transmission barrier properties of biodegradable films based on cellulosic whiskers and xylan. Saxena, A.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers, (2009), 78(2), 357-360.
- A novel nanocomposite film prepared from crosslinked cellulosic whiskers. Goetz, L.; Mathew, A.; Oksman, K.; Gatenholm, P.; Ragauskas, A.J., Carbohydrate Polymers, Carbohydrate Polymers (2009), 75(1), 85-89.
- Energy Saving in Papermaking through Filler Addition. Dong, C.; Song, D.; Patterson, T.; Ragauskas, A.; Deng, Y. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2008), 47(21), 8430-8435.
- Developing a new paradigm for linerboard fillers. Zhao, Y.; Kim, D.H.; White, D.; Deng, Y.; Patterson, T.; Jones, P.; Turner, E.; Ragauskas, A.J. Tappi Journal (2008), 7(3), 3-7.
- Polymer clay self-assembly complexes on paper. Ou, R.; Zhang, J.; Deng, Y.; Ragauskas, A. J. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2007), 105(4), 1987-1992.
- Facile synthesis of spherical cellulose nanoparticles. Zhang, J.; Elder, T.J.; Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. Carbohydrate Polymers (2007), 69(3), 607-611
- Investigation into nanocellulosics versus acacia reinforced acrylic films. Pu, Yunqiao; Zhang, Jianguo; Elder, Thomas; Deng, Yulin; Gatenholm, Paul; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Composites, Part B: Engineering (2007), 38B(3), 360-366. (Invited)
- Characterization of Lignocellulosic-Polylactic Acid Reinforced Composites. Hou, Q., Chai, R.; Yang, R.; Elder, T.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2006), 99, 1346-1349
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Wood fiber reinforced polyamides. Muzzy, John; Xu, Xiaolin; Ragauskas, Art. Annual Technical Conference – Society of Plastics Engineers (2007), 65th 2240-2244
- Enhanced Composite Board Curing and Performance via Nano Clas, Kim, D.H. ; Ragauskas, A.J. TAPPI Paper Summit 2004, Atlanta, GA.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Ultrasound-promoted synthesis of nitriles from aldoximes under ambient conditions. Jiang, N; Ragauskas, A. J. Tetrahedron Letters (2010), 51(34), 4479-4481.
- Synthetic applications of laccase in green chemistry. Witayakran, S.; Ragauskas, A. J. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (2009), 351(9), 1187-1209.
- Copper-catalyzed highly efficient aerobic oxidation of alcohols under ambient conditions. Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J. School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. ChemSusChem (2008), 1(10), 823-825.
- Laccase-generated quinones in naphthoquinone synthesis via Diels-Alder reaction. Witayakran, S.; Zettili, A.; Ragauskas, A.J. Tetrahedron Letters (2007), 48(17), 2983-2987.
- Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Activated Alcohols into Acids or Aldehydes in Ionic Liquids. Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2007), 72(18), 7030-7033.
- Piperylene Sulfone: A Recyclable Dimethyl Sulfoxide Substitute for Copper-Catalyzed Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation. Jiang, Nan; Vinci, Daniele; Liotta, Charles L.; Eckert, Charles A.; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ACS ASAP.
- One-pot synthesis of 1,4-naphthoquinones and related structures with laccase. Witayakran, S.; Ragauskas, A.J. Green Chemistry (2007), 9(5), 475-480.
- Ionic liquid as a green solvent for lignin. Pu, Y.; Jiang, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology (2007), 27(1), 23-33.
- Vanadium-catalyzed selective aerobic alcohol oxidation in ionic liquid [bmim]PF6. Nan, J.; Ragauskas, A.J. Tetrahedron Letters (2007) 48, 273 – 276.
- Copper(II)-Catalyzed Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols under Mild Conditions. Jiang, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Journal of Organic Chem. (2006) 71(18), 7087-7090.
- Study of thioglycosylation in ionic liquids, Zhang, J.; Ragauskas, A. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (2006), 2(12) (27Jun 2006).
- Environmentally friendly synthesis of biaryls: Suzuki reaction of aryl bromides in water at low catalyst loading. Jiang, N.; Ragauskas, A.J. Tetrahedron Letters (2006), 197-200.
- Copper(II)-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Primary Alcohols to Aldehydes in Ionic Liquid [bmpy]PF6. Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Organic Letters (2005), 7(17), 3689-3692
- TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of benzylic alcohols to aldehydes with the H2O2/HBr/ionic liquid [bmim]PF6 system. Nan, J; Ragauskas, A.J. Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(19), 3323-3326.
- An Examination of the Effect of Conformation on ? Enolization in Some Bicyclo[3.2.1] octan 2 ones. Clements, T.M.; Klinck, R.E.; Peiris, S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 66, 454(1988).
- Homoenolization in the Camphenilone System. Examination of Some 7 Substituted Derivatives. Peiris, S.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 65, 789(1987).
- Preparative Ring Expansions of Bicyclic Ketones by Homoketonization of Cyclopropoxide Analogues. Patel, V.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 64, 1440(1986).
- An Examination of the [] [] Rearrangement via ?-Enolization and H/D Exchange in Tricyclic Ketones, Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 63, 1250(1985).
- Tricyclo[] and []octanones from Substituted Norbornenones via Cyclopropanation and Homoketonization, Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B. Can. J. Chem., 63, 2961(1985).
- The Simmons Smith Reaction with Some Silyl Enol Ethers. Unusual Ring Expansions of Some Norcamphors. Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 63, 2969(1985).
- 13C NMR Spectra of Several Tricyclo[,6]undecane Derivatives. Jurlina, J.L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Magn. Reson. Chem., 23, 689(1985).
- A Synthesis of Hirsutene: A Simple Route via ? Enolization. Dawson, B.A.; Ghosh, A.K.; Jurlina, J.L.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 62, 2521(1984).
- A Serendipitous, High Yield Conversion of Norbornenone to Tricyclo[,7]octan 4 one. Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., Can. J. Chem., 61, 2254(1983).
- Nitrobenzene Valence Bond Structures: Evidence in Support of Through Resonance from 17O Shieldings. Fraser, R.R.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Stothers, J.B., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 6475(1982).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Cascade synthesis of benzofuran derivatives via laccase oxidation-Michael addition. Witayakran, S.; Gelbaum, L.; Ragauskas, AJ. Tetrahedron (2007), 63(45), 10958-10962.
- Lignin-Extractives Complexes May Disturb Analysis of Isolated Lignins by NMR. Nilvebrant, N.O.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Dyer, T.; Kleen, M., 11th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Nice, France, I, 139(June, 2001).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Effect of photolysis on 17th/18th century paper. Knutson, Kristina; Pu, Yunqiao; Elder, Thomas; Buschle-Diller, Gisela B.; Yang, Rallming; Thomson, Cameron; Kim, Dong Ho; Dang, Zheng; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Holzforschung (2007), 61(2), 131-137.
- Structural Analysis of Acetylated Hardwood Lignin and Their Photoyellowing Properties. Pu, Y.; Ragauskas, A.J. Canadian J. Chemistry. (2005), 83(12), 2132-2139.
- Investigation of the photo-oxidative chemistry of acetylated softwood lignin. Pu, Yunqiao; Anderson, Sean; Lucia, Lucian; Ragauskas, Arthur J. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 163(1-2), 215-221 (2004).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part XVI: The Effect of Oxygen on Photostabilization of High-Yield Mechanical Pulps Treated with UV Absorbers and a Fluorescent Whitening Agent. Li, C.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Science, 27(6), 202(2001).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps XIV: Application of FWAs for High-Brightness, High-Yield Pulps. Ragauskas, A.J.; Allison, L.; Lucia, L.A.; Li, C., Solutions/TAPPI J., 84(11), 1(2001).
- Photoyellowing of Untreated and Acetylated Aspen Chemithermomechanical Pulp Under Argon, Ambient, and Oxygen Atmospheres. Paulsson, M.; Lucia, L.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Li, C. J. Wood Chem. Technol., 21(4), 343-360(2001).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. XI: Photostabilization of High-Yield Pulps by Thiosulfinates. Li, C.; Cook, C.M.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 19(1&2), 27(1999).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part XIII: Photoinduced Degradation of Lignin on Cellulose Matrix. Li, C.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 19(1&2), 43(1999).
- Part II: Overview of the Lightfastness of Commercial Printing Inks; Influence of Solar and Fluorescent Light. Lucia, L.; Li, C.; Ragauskas, A.J., American Ink Maker, 77, 33(1999).
- Chemical Modification of Lignin-Rich Paper. Light-Induced Changes of Softwood and Hardwood Chemithermomechanical Pulps: The Effect of Irradiation Source. Paulsson, M.; Ragauskas, A.J. In ACS Symposium Series 742, Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives, Eds. Glasser, W.G.; Northey, R.A.; Schultz, T.P., ACS, Washington, 254, 490(1999).
- Chemical Modification of Lignin-Rich Paper. Photostabilizing High-Brightness Aspen CTMP by Combining Various Classes of Additives and Acetylation. Paulsson, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 13(2), 124(1998).
- Chemical Modification of Lignin-Rich Paper. Effect of Light Source on the Accelerated Light-Induced Yellowing of Untreated and Acetylated High-Yield Pulps. Paulsson, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 13(2), 132(1998).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps X: Fiber Topochemistry. Cook, C.M.; Barzyk, D.; Allison, L.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 18(3), 289(1998).
- Chemical Modification of Lignin-Rich Paper. Effect of Dry Heat and Moist Heat on the Accelerated Yellowing of Untreated and Acetylated High-Yield Pulps. Paulsson, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 13(3), 191(1998).
- Chemical Modification of Lignin-Rich Paper. The Light-Induced Yellowing of Untreated and Acetylated High-Yield Pulps Studied by Solid-State UV/VIS Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. Paulsson, M.; Ragauskas, A.J., Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 13(3), 198(1998).
- Overview of the Lightfastness of Commercial Printing Inks. Understanding the Mechanisms of Color Bleaching. Ragauskas, A.J.; Lucia, L.A., American Inkmaker, 76(4), 51(1998).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 8: On the Mechanism of Stabilization by Dienols of Photoinduced Degradation in Lignocellulosic Materials. Cook, C.; Pan, X.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 17(1&2), 27(1997).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part IX: Investigation of Synergistic Photostabilization Methods for High-Yield Pulps. Cook, C.M.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Photochem. Photobiol., 104, 217(1997).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 5: On the Mechanism of Stabilization by Dienols of Photoinduced Degradation in Lignocellulosic Materials. Harvey, L.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 16(1), 79(1996).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 6: Cooperative Photostabilization Approaches for High-Yield Pulps. Pan, X.; Harvey, L.C.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Science, 22(4), J135(1996).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 7: Photostabilization Studies of Thiol Additives for Lignocellulosic Materials. Cook, C.; Pan, X.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 16(3), 327(1996).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 4: A Study on the Action of Thiols and Disulfides on Hardwood BCTMP. Pan, X.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Pulp Paper Science, 21(1), J25(1995).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 3: Mechanistic Studies of Mercapto Stabilizers for High-Yield Mechanical Pulps. Pan, X.; Ragauskas, A.J., J. Wood Chem. Technol., 15(1), 135(1995).
- Brightness Properties of Pulp and Paper. Ragauskas, A.J., in Surface Analysis of Paper. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 5, 109(1995).
- Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Part 2: Thermal Aging of Ascorbic Acid Impregnated Lignin-Retaining Pulps. Ragauskas, A.J., Cellul. Chem. Technol., 28, May-June, 265(1994).
- Photoyellowing of Mechanical Pulp. Part 1: Inhibition of Brightness Reversion by Unsaturated Compounds. Ragauskas, A.J., Tappi J., 76(12), 153(1993).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- A Determination of the Sui Generis Photoyellowing Properties of Acetylated BCTMP Lignin, Pu,Y.; Anderson, S.; Lucia, L;. Ragauskas, A.J. 7th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Turku, Finland (Aug., 26, 2002).
- Long-time natural aging of untreated and additive-treated aspen CTMP. Paulsson, M.; Parkås, J.; Ragauskas, A.J. 7th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Turku, Finland (Aug., 26, 2002).
- Photoyellowing of Acetylated High-Yield Pulps Under Ambient, Oxygen, and Argon Atmospheres. Lucia, L.A.; Ragauskas, A.J.; Li, C.; Paulsson, M., 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan, 722 (June 1999).
- Second Generation of Sulfur-Based Additives for Hindering Brightness Reversion of Mechanical Pulps. Ragauskas, A.J.; Cook, C., 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Montreal, QC, K6-1(June 1997).
- Photoyellowing of Mechanical Pulps: Mechanism and Prevention. Pan, X.; Ragauskas, A.J., 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Montreal, QC, 97-1(June 1997).